While waiting for your participant. . .
To all those who are dropping off a participant and waiting for their lesson to be complete for the day, please remain in your cars. We know that Swiftsure has a beautiful ranch, but the liability is too high to have you out and about unattended. We invite you to attend events at the ranch, and you’ll be able to explore more then!

Ideas for when you’re waiting:
- Read a book
- Write in a journal about goals for your participant
- Take a nap
- Run your quick errands in Bellevue (lessons are only 45 minutes, so the time goes by quickly!)
- Bring your laptop and get some work done
- Paint your nails
. . . and the list can go on, but please don’t go walking around the ranch!
**we’re in the process of creating some great opportunities for you to safely visit the ranch this winter and spring! Make sure you’re signed up on our mailing list so that you don’t miss out!