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Ranch Round-Up – What We’ve Been Up To

By July 26, 2020News, Home page

Wow, July is flying by, like REALLY flying by. We’ve enjoyed having participants back at the ranch. Seeing their eyes light up, hearing their stories, and watching the success brings so much joy to us.

On July 6th, we moved out of stage one and into stage two. What that meant for us was increasing the number of participants by 10. While that doesn’t seem like a vast number, it does have a tremendous impact. We are hearing now, more than ever, how individuals need our services. And how connecting with our horses is healing in a time of indifference. Stage two has also allowed us to bring a few volunteers back, and if you know anything about the ranch, you know how important our volunteers are to us.

While in phase two, we’ve also welcomed NAMI to the ranch on Tuesday mornings. NAMI has been a great group of individuals to work with, and watching their progress is always rewarding. As the weeks continue, we’ll have some great stories to share about participants that we’ve recently had as well as what’s to come here at the ranch.  

At the end of the month, we are going to take a little summer break. This will be an excellent opportunity for the kiddos to get ready to go back to school and mingle with their friends, safely, of course. As we see how school re-opening goes, this will help us determine the best time to resume bringing those participants back to the ranch. Our main goal is to be sure everyone remains healthy and safe during these next steps.\

Just because we’re going on summer break doesn’t mean the work slows down for us! The horses will continue to be conditioned, cared for, and ridden regularly. We will also be working toward the Cowboy Ball and keeping this Swiftsure Derby running. Speaking of the Derby, this is a chance for you to pony up and assist us with our annual horse costs. Annually it costs nearly $4,000 to provide routine care for each horse. Your support allows us to keep our hear in tip-top shape so that we can provide opportunities for our participants to thrive! Visit to learn more and pony up!

Lastly, thank you to all of our participants that have continued to show up week after week and trust us to provide the best care for you! As we’ve said, we enjoy being a part of your journey and we can only hope that you spread the word about us!