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Idaho Gives: A Note From Paul

By May 5, 2020May 6th, 2020News, Fundraisers, Home page

Dear Friends, Participants, Donors, and Swiftsure Fans, 

We all agree — Swiftsure Ranch is a very special place. Our therapy horses have the extraordinary power to transform lives through the human-animal bond.

This year’s Idaho Gives campaign was more successful than ever, which is especially remarkable in light of the challenges that everyone is facing this year.  I am truly humbled by your generosity.

You really came through, proving what it means to be a “team player.” The extra effort you put in is appreciated more than you can ever know.

Thanks to your friendship and support, we can continue to offer many opportunities for our participants to thrive in this magical environment, with the support of our therapy horses. It’s that kind of flexibility and dedication that will help Swiftsure grow to its full potential.

Again, thank you so much for helping Swiftsure during these very difficult times.  The work we do would never be possible without your support. I truly appreciate your generosity.



Paul Bennett