Join the Swiftsure GEMs
Giving Every Month Club
Become a GEM
The Swiftsure GEMs club is a passionate and determined group of supporters who care deeply about making a difference. By investing monthly, you’re joining a community dedicated to sustaining Swiftsure’s mission.
Why Give Monthly?
- Long Term Impact
- It’s Affordable
- It’s Community
- It’s Cost-Effective
The Benefits:
Swiftsure Ranch is a non-profit organization that exists thanks to the generosity of our community. The majority of our income is through grants or private donations. Thank you in advance for your generosity and care for others.
The goal of therapeutic riding is to promote independence through learning riding skills. Riders combine physical activity, cognitive stimulation, and emotional connection with the horse. The strength, rhythmic motion, and warmth of the horse allow riders to improve muscle tone, balance, and coordination while enjoying exercise and learning in a positive, safe environment.
Save the Date – August 27
Virtual Cowboy Ball

This year we’re hosting our Cowboy Ball a little differently than normal. Join us for a fun night of fundraising and support Swiftsure from the comfort of your own home. Maybe even your outdoor fire pit? Pull our your best western outfit and get dressed up to celebrate the victories that are yet to come!
- When? August 27th
- Where? Your own home – It’s Virtual
- The Details? Yet to come
While we are still figuring out all of the details we wanted to simply let you know to SAVE THE DATE and get ready to celebrate!
Soft Opening
Phase I - June 1st

With just a little over a week to go, we cannot wait to greet some of you back at the ranch! We have been in touch with all of our participants and volunteers, you should know your phasing schedule! Watch our social pages for a complete roll-out of our phased opening plan and to watch a welcome back from our Executive Director, Paul Bennet.