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Annual Report 2021

Dear Friends and Family of Swiftsure,

As Swiftsure looks back on 2021, we are so grateful for your continued care and support for all of our participants. It was a year of growth: compared to a typical pre-pandemic year, we served nearly 70 additional participants, an increase of more than 20%!  It was also a year of slowly returning to normal operations, and we were overjoyed to see our friends in person again at our 31st annual Cowboy Ball!

Our growing Swiftsure family shows that there is more need for our services than ever before. Whether faced with physical challenges like stroke, MS, or limb deficits, or invisible challenges like autism, ADHD, or anxiety, participants will find caring, engaging instructors and a range of equine-assisted activities designed to bring strength, freedom and connection all at no charge to our participants.

Our behind-the-scenes stewardship of the Ranch this year included an extensive trail cleanup for fire risk abatement, and we followed up the 2020 pond restoration with an additional soil treatment to help retain precious water to grow more hay for our herd.

None of this would be possible without you, our loyal and caring partners. Your support gives hundreds of our neighbors, family members, and friends of all ages and abilities the opportunity to experience the benefits of equine-assisted activities. Together, we’ve impacted so many lives and helped so many people succeed in our community.

With Gratitude,

Charlotte Westendorf, Board President
Paul Bennett, Executive Director