We are excited to see many of you at Camp Horsepower this Summer at Swiftsure Ranch! Each themed 4-day camp will run for 2 hours per day Monday through Thursday. Camps will be comprised of both riding and groundwork activities. Participating in camp for multiple days in a row will enable campers to fully experience the Ranch as a place of community and supportive learning. We look forward to many new friendships, fun adventures, and opportunities to demonstrate ability at each of our camps.
If you are new to Swiftsure programming….Welcome! To learn about qualifying, please visit our website www.swiftsureranch.org and check out the “Ride With Us” tab.
Campers may sign up for as many weeks as they choose, but please commit to attending the entire 4 days of your selected weeks. We utilize many dedicated volunteers to keep the program free of charge and your attendance impacts our ability to continue providing this service.
Trail Ride Camp June 24th– 27th
Utilizing our 5 miles of scenic trails along the Big Wood River as well as our special sensory trail, campers will practice control and confidence navigating through various terrains and obstacles. Age group 8-12 yr for this camp is FULL.
Jumper Camp July 22nd– 25th
Introduction into the wonderful world of jumping. We will utilize ground poles to build courses and groom our ponies for the “show”. Campers will also have the opportunity to view a jumping demonstration!
Rodeo Camp July 29th– August 1st
Campers participate in the tamest little rodeo in the West Learn the fundamentals of barrel racing and drill team.
Dressage Camp August 5th– 8th
Dressage week will focus on fine tuning your equestrian skills to perform beautiful dressage patterns with obedience, flexibility and balance with the horses in the arena and out on the trails.
Wild West Camp August 12th– 15th
Yee Haw! If you dream of being a cowboy or cowgirl, this camp’s for you. We “herd” some cows would pay us a visit to the Ranch this week so ya’ll could sort them. Age group 8-12 yr old for this camp is FULL.