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Imagine sitting in a chair. In an airport, at a movie or even at home.

Sometimes the sweetest words are the ones not spoken..

Sometimes the sweetest words are the ones not spoken.

Now imagine the view from that chair.

Imagine never having the ability to stand or leave the chair without assistance.

Many of the amazing participants of the Swiftsure Ranch Therapeutic Equine Center face challenges that most of us can only imagine. They do so with grace and with dignity. Above all, they do it with joy.

The SRTEC enables these people to see the world like everyone else.  The programs give them the the sense of accomplishment and joy and a chance to connect with one of the greatest gifts of all…the horse.

Horses are large and can be intimidating creatures.  Participants are taught to gain the trust of the animal. Horses have the capacity to provide the tools to aid in a number of challenges.

For those bound to a wheelchair, the horse provides a connection to another being that cannot be found in other sports. For those individuals with emotional problems such as depression, grief and even loneliness, the unique relationships that can be formed with the horse and trainers can result in a sense of self-esteem as well as confidence, independence and patience.